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Other Resources

The following resources were designed for use in my high school Integrated Physics & Chemistry classroom. I include them here as a reference for other teachers, but students may find them useful as well. (See required software)

Reference Information - Polyatomic ions, Solubility table, Activity series, SI prefixes, conversion factors. Designed for students to use as a reference during tests.

Printable Periodic Table - Periodic table with symbol, name, atomic number, avg. atomic mass, and orbital sublevels. Designed for students to use as a reference during tests.

Independent Research Project - Guidelines, handouts, and links for implementing student-directed research projects (i.e. science fair).

IPC Binder - A suggested method for keeping papers organized.

The Lab Notebook - Formatting guidelines for a laboratory notebook.

Graphing Guidelines - Guidelines for creating graphs from laboratory data.

Distillation Pages - A helpful study tool to prepare for tests and semester/final exams.

Extra Credit Options - Ideas for allowing students to use their creative side to boost their grades.

Math Skills Inventory - This pretest is a good method for determining how comfortable your students are with the types of calculations that are needed for chemistry & physics.

Policies & Procedures - Classroom policies for grading, make-up work, etc.

Weekly Agendas - A sample course sequence based on a 90-minute block schedule.

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This page last updated 10/20/2016