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ESP Survey

If you have any problems with this form, let us know!

Full Name:
Mailing Address:
E-mail Address:

1.  Describe Your Organization
County City State
Neighborhood School Church
Media Service Organization Business
Individual Other  

2.  Who is Your Target Audience?
Employees Customers Students
Cities Residents (Apts., Mobile Homes, etc.)
Media Service Organization Business
Individual Other  

3.  How many people are in your target audience?   

4.  How many people in your target audience receive ESP?


5.  Briefly describe your participation in this year's ESP campaign.
Provide copies of: Focus Sheets Calendars
All Employees
Each Department
Calendar Focus Sheets
Bulletin Poster
Articles in organization newsletter Involve local media
ESP web page Organization web page
Please elaborate:

6.  On a scale of 1 to 4, please rate the following: (1=poor, 2=fair, 3=good, 4= excellent)
Monthly Focus Sheets  1     2     3     4
Calendar  1     2     3     4
Poster  1     2     3     4
Bulletin  1     2     3     4
Activity Book for Kids  1     2     3     4
Your target's group's response to the campaign  1     2     3     4

7.  What do you like most and least about the campaign?

8.  Please give any additional ideas or suggestions that can be used in planning future ESP campaigns.

9.  Are you interested in participating in future ESP campaigns?  Yes       No     

10.  Are you interested in being a sponsor of ESP to assist with printing, etc.?

 Yes       No