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Links to Most Pages and Downloads

Emergency Survival Program
ABCs of School Preparedness
Actions for Threat Levels
Actions for Threat Levels-Spanish
Activity Book for Kids
Add Foundation Bolts
Adjustable Wrench
Africanized Honey Bees
Assess the Damage
Back to School
Be Aware - WMDs
Be Safe at Work
Biological Threats
Bomb Threats
Brace Water Heater
Camping Out Earthquake Style
Car Kit and Office Kit
Carbon Monoxide and Radon
Check It Out
Chemical Threats
Cold Weather
Communicate and Recover
Community Resources
Conduct a Meeting
Crisis Communications Bulletin
Earthquakes: Fact or Fiction
Drop, Cover and Hold On
Earthquake Attack Plan
Emergency Cash and Important Documents
Emergency Food
Emergency Lighting
Emergency Power Bulletin
Emergency Preparedness Checklists - 10 Essential Items
Emergency Preparedness: Taking Responsibility for Your Safety: Tips for People with Disabilities and Activity Limitations
Emergency Water Supply
Family Plan
Family Steps to Survival
Fire Extinguisher
Fire Suppression Bulletin
First Aid Training and Supplies
Form Response Teams
Learn First Aid and CPR
Flashlight and Batteries
Focus on Children
Focus on Children-Spanish
Focus on Seniors
Freshen Up Your Water and Food Supplies
Get Involved
Give a Gift of Life
Hand Tools and Leather Work Gloves
Have a Safe Trip
Hazardous Materials
Heat Wave
Home Hazard Hunt
Hold Down the Fort
Inventory Resources
Is Your Place Safe?
Landslides and Mudslides
Learn Not to Burn
Learn Light Search and Rescue
Lend a Hand
Make A Plan
Make Disaster Kits
Make a Plan
Make Disaster Kits
Mental Health
Neighborhood AWARE Plan
On the Road Again
Personal Medical Plan
Pet Preparedness Bulletin
Plan for Shelter
Plan Your Drill
Planning, Personnel and Administration Bulletin
Portable Radio and Batteries
Preparing Your Mind
Provide Training
Public Environments
Public Health Emergencies
Radiological Threats
Reduce Hazards
Rescue Me
Rope, Tape and Trash Bags
Secure It Now
Shelter in Place and Evacuation Bulletin
Smoke Detector
Special Needs Bulletin
Stay or Go
Stop Think Look Act
Supply Storage
Take Cover
Terms You Should Know Bulletin
Terrorism Bulletin
Test Your Plan
Then and Now - January
Then and Now
Time to Practice
Tune In
Turn Ons and Turn Offs
Understand Terrorism
Understand Terrorism-Spanish
Understand the Threat
Update Emergency Supplies
Who is Taking Care of the Kids
Wildfires Bulletin
Windstorms and Tornadoes
Work Gloves and Sturdy Shoes
CERT Equipment & Supplies
Required CERT Equipment & Supplies
Additional CERT Equipment & Supplies
Helmets & Vests-additional information
CERT Community-Planning, Supplies & Equipment for the Neighborhood
Evacuation and Shelter in Place
Emergency Evacuation Preparedness
Fact Sheet-Shelter in Place
Overview by Year
CERT Events 2011-2012
CERT Events 2009-2010
CERT Events 2007-2008
CERT Events 2005-2006
CERT Events 2003-2004
CERT Events 2001-2002
CERT Events 1999-2000
Details per Event
2012 Tri-County Refresher
2011 March Refresher
2010 CERT Invitational
2009 August Refresher
2009 May Refresher
2008 Press Conference - 07/31/08
2008 May Refresher
2008 CERT at Griffith Park
2007 October Refresher
2007 LA CERT at Catalina Island Fire
2007 Beverly Hills Fire
2007 April Refresher
2007 CERT Night Drill
2007 L.A. Marathon
2006 October Refresher-Page 1
2006 October Refresher-Page 2
2006 BICEPP Challenge
2006 National CERT Conference
2006 January Refresher
2005 June Refresher
2005 Be Smart. Be Responsible.
Be Prepared. Get Ready
2005 Los Angeles Marathon
2004 October Refresher
2004 June Refresher - Page 1
2004 June Refresher - Page 2
2004 BICEPP Challenge
2004 BICEPP Challenge - LA Teams
2004 LA Marathon
2004 10 Years After Northridge Earthquake
2003 October Refresher
2003 Sanitation Drill
2003 Division 3 MCI Drills
2003 April Refresher
2003 An Overview of First Aid and Medical Triage
2003 LA Marathon
2002 CERT National Conference
2002 October Refresher
2002 Battalion 15 Field Exercise
2002 LA Remembers September 11
2002 Sanitation Drill
2002 April Refresher
2001 Battalion 15 Multi-Casualty Training Drill
2001 October Refresher
2001 Emergency Preparedness Fair
2001 April Refresher
2000 CERT Goes to Turkey
2000 November Refresher
2000 SAR City
2000 Los Angeles Hazmat Drill
2000 Sanitation Drill
2000 Emergency Preparedness Fair
2000 April Refresher
2000 Southern California CERT Conference
1999 Emergency Preparedness Fair
1999 Sanitation Drill
1999 Brentwood/West LA Mini-Fair and Seminar
1999 City Employee Call-Out
1999 October Refresher

CERT Flashcards
CERT Flashcards
Foreign Languages
Foreign Languages Page
Foreign Languages-Index to all pages & downloads
Links to other CERT programs-
States & Groups
CERT Program Links
CERT in High Schools
CERT in Colleges and Universities
Territorial CERT
International CERT
Alabama CERT
Alaska CERT
Arizona CERT
Arkansas CERT
California CERT
Colorado CERT
Connecticut CERT
Delaware CERT
District of Columbia CERT
Florida CERT
Georgia CERT
Hawaii CERT
Idaho CERT
Illinois CERT
Indiana CERT
Kansas CERT
Kentucky CERT
Louisiana CERT
Maine CERT
Maryland CERT
Massachusetts CERT
Michigan CERT
Minnesota CERT
Mississippi CERT
Missouri CERT
Montana CERT
Nebraska CERT
Nevada CERT
New Hampshire CERT
New Jersey CERT
New Mexico CERT
New York CERT
North Carolina CERT
North Dakota CERT
Northern Mariana Islands CERT
Oklahoma CERT
Oregon CERT
Pennsylvania CERT
Puerto Rico CERT
Rhode Island CERT
South Carolina CERT
South Dakota CERT
Tennessee CERT
Texas CERT
Vermont CERT
Virginia CERT
Washington CERT
West Virginia CERT
Wisconsin CERT
Wyoming CERT
CERT Manuals
CERT-LA - Participant Manuals
CERT-LA - Instructor Guides
CERT Student Manual
Complete Manual
Table of Contents
Unit 1: Disaster Preparedness
Unit 2: Fire Safety and Utility Controls
Unit 3: Disaster Medical Operations-Part 1
Unit 4: Disaster Medical Operations-Part 2
Unit 5: Light Search and Rescue Operations
Unit 6: CERT Organization
Unit 7: Disaster Psychology
Unit 8: Terrorism and CERT
Unit 9: Course Review and Disaster Simulation
Excessive Heat
Hurricanes and Coastal Storms
Landslides and Mudflows
Severe Thunderstorms
Winter Storms
Nuclear Power Plant Emergencies
Pandemic Flu
Wildland/Urban Interface Module
Part A
Part B
Part C
Starting and Maintaining a CERT Program
Starting and Maintaining a CERT Program
Background Information
Special Topics
Assessing Needs
Identifying Resources
Gaining Support and Recruiting
Acquiring Training Materials
Tailoring Training
Establishing a Training Cadre
Delivering Training
Communicating with Volunteers
Maintaining Partnerships
Planning Continuing Training
Maintaining Records

Moulage Information
Moulage Kit
Moulage Recipes
Moulage Injuries
Natural Disasters & Risks
Natural Disasters and Risks Page
Africanized Honey Bees
Africanized Honey Bees
Drought Fact Sheet-Water Conservation
Fact or Fiction: Earthquakes
Earthquake Safety Checklist
How You Can Strengthen Your Home For The Next Big Earthquake in the Los Angeles Area
27 Things to Help You Survive an Earthquake
Are You Ready For an Earthquake?
Are You Ready For an Earthquake? - Spanish
Avoiding Earthquake Damage
Beat the Quake
Duck, Cover and Hold Drill
Earthquake Safety Information
Earthquake Safety Tips for Elderly People
Earthquake Causes
Homeowner's Guide to Earthquake Safety
What To Do Before, During and After an Earthquake
Fire and Wildfire
Wildfires Bulletin
Wildland Fires
Are You Ready for a Fire?
Fire Safety Checklist for Older Adults
Protecting Your Family From Fire
Are You Ready for a Wildfire?
Wildfire-Are You Prepared?
Flood, Storm, Debris & Erosion
After a Flood-The First Steps
Are You Ready for a Flood or Flash Flood?
Flash Floods and Floods-The Awesome Power
Repairing Your Flooded Home
Your Home has Been Flooded-The First Steps
Heat Wave
Heat Wave
Are You Ready for a Heat Wave?
Extreme Heat
Hurricanes: Unleashing Nature's Fury
Against the Wind-Protecting Your Home From Hurricane Wind Damage
Are You Ready for a Hurricane?
Landslide and Debris Flow
Windstorms and Tornadoes
Are You Ready for a Thunderstorm?
Are You Ready for a Tornado?
Are You Ready for a Tsunami?
Are You Ready for a Volcano?
Volcano Safety Information Fact Sheet
Winter Storm
Cold Weather
Are You Ready for a Winter Storm?
Winter Storms-The Deceptive Killers
Winter Storms and Extreme Cold
Pet and Animal Preparedness
Saving the Whole Family
Pet Preparedness Bulletin
Pet Window and Wallet Card
Individual Pet Record
Pet Disaster Plan
Animals in Disaster
Barnyard Animal Rescue Plan
Disaster Preparedness Guide for Pet Owners
Earthquake Tips for Owners of Service Animals and Pets
Pool and Water Safety
Backyard Pool - Always Supervise Children
Preventing Child Drownings
Safety Barrier Guidelines for Home Pools
Guidelines - Making Pools and Spas Safer
LAFD Emergency Preparedness Booklet
LAFD Emergency Preparedness Booklet - Spanish
Family Disaster Plan
Family Plan Book
Map a Family Meeting Place
School Emergency Information for Parents by LAUSD
Disaster Supplies Calendar
Emergency Kit
Strap Water Heater
Secure Furniture
Preparing Children
Preparing Your Family
Tips for Pet Owners
Tips for Apartment Managers
Tips for Physically Challenged
Emergency Plan for People with Disabilities
Disaster Barrel
Your Guide to Public Health Emergency Planning
Family Disaster Plan
Family Emergency Supplies Kit
Build Your Kit with 10 Items
Emergency Preparedness Checklist
Emergency Supplies Checklist
Food and Water in an Emergency
Your Family Disaster Supplies Kit
Your Family Disaster Plan
Children's Primer on Emergency Preparedness
Be Ready Book 123

CERT Quizzes
CERT Quizzes
Special Considerations
Specific Needs Disaster Voluntary Registry - Los Angeles County
Disability Etiquette
Emergency Plan for People with Disabilities
Emergency Preparedness for People with Disabilities
Emergency Tips for Service Animal and Pet Owners
Emergency Tips for People with Mobility Disabilities
Emergency Tips for People with Psychiatric Disabilities
Emergency Tips for People with Visual Disabilities
Emergency Tips for People who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Emergency Tips for People with Environmental Illness or Multiple Chemical Sensitivities
Emergency Tips for People with Developmental or Cognitive Disabilities
Emergency Tips for People with Communication and Speech-Related Disabilities
Emergency Tips for People who use Life Support Systems
Earthquake Tips for People with Visual Disabilities
Emergency Preparedness for People with Special Medical Needs
Emergency Preparedness for Seniors and People with Disabilities
Information For and About the Elderly: After a Disaster
Tips for First Responders: How to Assist Persons with a Wide Range of Disabilities
10 Steps for Terrorism Preparedness
Homeland Security Advisory System Recommendations for Individuals
Homeland Security Advisory System Recommendations for Families
Homeland Security Advisory System Recommendations for Neighborhoods
Homeland Security Advisory System Recommendations for Schools
Homeland Security Advisory System Recommendations for Businesses
Be Informed - Biological Threat
Be Informed - Chemical Threat
Be Informed - Nuclear Blast
Be Informed - Radiation Threat
Be Informed - If There is an Explosion, If There is Fire, If You are Trapped in Debris
Make a Plan: In a High-Rise Building
Make a Plan: In a Moving Vehicle
National Security Emergencies
Nuclear Power Plants
Anthrax Fact Sheet
Botulism Fact Sheet
Chlorine Fact Sheet
Isolation and Quarantine Fact Sheet
Plague Fact Sheet
Ricin Fact Sheet
Sarin Fact Sheet
Smallpox Fact Sheet
Tularemia Fact Sheet