Welcome to the
Community Emergency Response Team
You Can't Predict...But You Can Prepare

CERT Breaking News!
Sign up NOW! The 2012 Great California ShakeOut earthquake drill will be on October 18th at 10:18 a.m. Participating is a great way for your family or organization to become better prepared to survive and recover quickly from big earthquakes.
Start here to be included!
This is the official website for the Los Angeles Fire Department's CERT program. Our goal is to provide information, a forum for discussion, and a point of contact between Community Emergency Response Teams and CERT members everywhere.
Questions, ideas or suggestions? Let us know!

Visit the official Los Angeles Fire Department CERT Facebook page!
New to CERT or Not Yet CERT
Upcoming LAFD CERT classes!
The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program is an all-risk, all-hazard training. This valuable course is designed to help you protect yourself, your family, your neighbors and your neighborhood in an emergency situation.
CERT members receive 17 1/2 hours (one day a week for seven weeks) of initial training.
CERT is provided free of charge within the city of Los Angeles to anyone 18 or over.
Classes are taught year-round, Monday-Friday, morning, afternoon, or evening. We will come to your location. Classes can be held anywhere in the City of Los Angeles. Classes outside of LA City require special preapproval.
Go to our class schedule and click on a class to get more information.
You can also check a map of the Los Angeles area to see upcoming CERT classes.
To schedule a class for your group, you need a minimum of 20 people to be trained and a location to hold the training. Then call the Disaster Preparedness Section at 818-756-9674.
CERT Graduates
We had a great time at the Tri-County CERT Refresher on April 21 at the Tejon Ranch in Lebec. CERT members from Los Angeles, Kern and Tulare Counties were there. | |
Click here for an overview of all the Battalions in Los Angeles. | |
Would you like to meet other CERT graduates in your community, find out what others are doing, and get extra training? Get in touch with the local contact person for your area and check the CERT Community Meetings calendar!
Monday, September 10
7:00 pm
-9:00 pm
LAFD CERT Battalions 1, 2 & 11 Community Meeting
Sunday, September 16
1:00 pm
-3:00 pm
Battalions 12 & 15 Community Meeting
Tuesday, September 18
7:15 pm
-9:00 pm
Battalions 4, 9, and 18 Community Meeting
Saturday, September 22
8:30 am
-1:00 pm
CERT Community Meeting Drill with LAFD -
Monday, October 1
6:00 pm
-7:00 pm
Battalion 6 and 13 CERT Community Meeting
The Quarterly Trainings provide either new CERT-related training topics or review existing CERT topics to increase the "Ready Responsiveness" of our CERT teams.
We offer one topic, three times, in three different locations in Los Angeles over a 3-month period. That way, CERT members have three different opportunities to attend the training in three different locations. We offer four training topics each year. Monday, September 17
6:30 pm
-9:30 pm
Quarterly Training - ICS - Fire Station 5
If you'd like to keep informed of events, drills, changes to the website, or new opportunities that become available, please send us your name and email address. (The LAFD respects the confidentiality of any information you gave when you registered for your CERT training, and this website has no access to that information.) Also let us know if you're a CERT graduate or if you're still considering it or if you're from another city. Thank you! | |
For Fulfilling Our Mission, Mass Care: An Overview, Shelter Operations and Shelter Simulation classes, go to the Red Cross Disaster Training Schedule
(When you go to a class, let the instructor know you are with CERT!) |
Effective 01/01/11: Each Call-Out Team member shall:
Non-Discrimination Policy
The LAFD CERT Training only conducts non-discriminatory classes.
Non-discrimination includes race, religion, gender, and group affiliations.
For full text of the Policy as stated to the Instructors, please read non-discrimination.pdf.
As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and, upon request, will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services, and activities. For additional information, please contact the Los Angeles Fire Department, Disaster Preparedness Section, at 818-756-9674 (Voice), 213-473-7704 (TDD), or email: lafdcert@lacity.org.