2002 National CERT Conference

Partners in Preparedness
Our History is our Future
On November 3, 4 and 5, 2002, the Los Angeles Fire Department hosted a CERT National Conference at the Hilton Los Angeles Airport.
This conference was designed to be an interactive conference with many representatives from CERT programs from around the nation, sharing thoughts, ideas and experiences to help build a unified CERT Program.
People came from FEMA, Citizen Corps, 17 states and the District of Columbia!
After the opening session, the primary focus was an open forum of discussion lead by a moderator. Questions included:On the last day, there were breakout sessions:
- How do you interface with your city's disaster plan?
- Do you conduct background checks? If not, why?
- What is the minimum age to be certified?
- Do you incorporate extra skills or training (sandbags, traffic control, cribbing, shoring, etc.)?
- Do you charge for classes? If yes, who do you charge?
Frank Lucier, Executive Board of the National Institute for Urban Search and Rescue, and the editor and publisher of The Connection- CERT IN SCHOOLS
Ron Nelson, Los Altos High School, Security & Emergency Preparedness Coordinator- CERT RECRUITMENT/RETENTION/OUTREACH
Rachel Jacky, Community Services Manager, Portland Fire & Rescue- CONVERGENT VOLUNTEERS
Bobbi Jacobsen, Senior Management Analyst I, Personnel Department, Administrative Services Division, City of Los Angeles

A special thank-you to the vendors!