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2003 Sanitation Drill

Each year the Bureau of Sanitation coordinates a refresher training exercise for Sanitation employees. The Fire Department Disaster Preparedness Unit, Convention Center and the Red Cross supported the planning and execution of this exercise. This year's was held on May 8, 2003 at the Convention Center.

37 participants out of 82 were from Sanitation divisions. The remaining participants represented the following departments: Housing, Convention Center, Contract Administration, Disability, City Attorney, Animal Services, CRDP, Emergency Preparedness, City Clerk and Police.

Sanitation's team won the Fire Hose Relay Trophy this year. The team consisted of Jeff Campbell, Brian McCormick, and Gilbert White from Hyperion with James Hadley from Terminal Island.

The exercise was a terrific success with team members from Sanitation and other city employees in attendance. This year had responders practice their skills in search and rescue, triage and disaster first aid, and fire suppression using hoses. At each station, they organized into teams and groups, incorporating the principles of the incident command system. By limiting the exercise to three stations, each activity was allotted 55 minutes - ample time to review the material, get involved into the scenario, and receive immediate feedback from the controllers.

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