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2004 Summer Refresher - Part 1

Parking Enforcement taught traffic control hand signs.
Parking Enforcement taught traffic control hand signs.
How to light flares.
How to light flares.
Have one flare light others.
Have one flare light others.
Join the LAFD Auxiliary Communication Service.
Join the LAFD Auxiliary Communication Service.
The Rehab Utility truck was there.
The Rehab Utility truck was there.
And other apparatus to look at.
And other apparatus to look at.
Plenty of parking too.
Plenty of parking too.
DWP taught us to stay away from downed power lines.
DWP taught us to stay away from downed power lines.
And what happens if you don't!
And what happens if you don't!
Very informative
Very informative
The CERT Store
The CERT Store
Fire Department shirts were sold.
Fire Department shirts were sold.
SOS Survival Products
SOS Survival Products
LAFD Historical Society
LAFD Historical Society
American Red Cross
American Red Cross
A debriefing being conducted.
A debriefing being conducted.
Heavy Lift
Heavy Lift
Learning about leverage,
Learning about leverage,
more teamwork,
more teamwork,
warning others of a lift,
warning others of a lift,
and a safety officer looking at the whole picture.
and a safety officer looking at the whole picture.
Hose Relay
Hose Relay
Lay hoses straight so they don't tangle.
Lay hoses straight so they don't tangle.
Learning to connect two hoses together.
Learning to connect two hoses together.
Aiming is important.
Aiming is important.
And teamwork.
And teamwork.
But most important, don't be in a hurry!
But most important, don't be in a hurry!
The infamous "Disaster Alley."
The infamous "Disaster Alley."
"Where's Jimmy, I have to find Jimmy."
"Where's Jimmy, I have to find Jimmy."
Is the victim in shock?
Is the victim in shock?
Transporting the patient
Transporting the patient
to Medical Division.
to Medical Division.
Thank goodness she found Jimmy
Thank goodness she found Jimmy.
Treating the patients
Treating the patients
Putting on a splint.
Putting on a splint.
Medical Division
Medical Division
Another debriefing.
Another debriefing.
See you at the next refresher course!
See you at the next refresher course!

Photos and Captions created by Bernard Falkin

See other pictures here!