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CERT Events 2001-2002

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CERT National Conference On November 3, 4 and 5, 2002, the Los Angeles Fire Department hosted a CERT National Conference at the Hilton Los Angeles Airport. This conference was designed to be an interactive conference with many representatives from CERT programs from around the nation, sharing thoughts, ideas and experiences to help build a unified CERT Program. People came from FEMA, Citizen Corps, 17 states and the District of Columbia!
2002 Fall Refresher On Saturday, October 19, 2002, our Fall Refresher was held at the LAPD Ahmanson Recruit Training Center in Westchester.
Chatsworth Park South On Saturday morning, September 21, 2002, Battalion 15 held a search and rescue exercise in Chatsworth Park South. About 25 CERT members participated. LAFD Airship 4 and the Hazmat squad visited, gave equipment tours and spoke of how we can help them in a disaster. The Incident Command System got a good workout, and teams got to practice their search and rescue skills in the hills surrounding the park.
Chatsworth Park South The City of Los Angeles organized LA Remembers, a tribute to the victims and the heroes of September 11, 2001. An important component of the tribute was a procession that circulated throughout Los Angeles on September 11, 2002 featuring a Wall of Remembrance. CERT members were invited to be at the City Hall ceremony on the south lawn of City Hall and be in the procession from City Hall to the Cathedral of Our Lady of Angels.
Chatsworth Park South On May 9, 2002, Hyperion Treatment Plant was host to a CERT training exercise that was a resounding success for the participants. Ninety-five city employees (30 from Sanitation) practiced their skills in fire suppression, search and rescue, heavy lift operations, triage and mass casualty functions.
Chatsworth Park South The Spring 2002 Biannual Refresher Drill was held Saturday, April 13, 2002. If you missed this refresher, you missed a very good time!! We had the usual knocking over the cones with a fire hose, lever work in cribbing, first aid, and basic search and rescue exercises. The Los Angeles City Department of Water and Power brought their demonstration board, showing us firsthand what electricity is capable of, and how to deal with downed power lines should we happen upon them. The Los Angeles Chapter of the American Red Cross outlined some of the programs and courses which will advance us from CERT Level 1 to Level 2 and Level 3.
Northridge Recreational Center On Sunday, October 28, 2001, Los Angeles Fire Department Battalion 15 presented a Mass Casualty Incident Training. The exercise was held at Northridge Recreational Center, under mild overcast skies which kept the temperature at a comfortable level. The Battalion 15 group was joined by California Emergency Mobile Patrol, Thousand Oaks Disaster Assistance Response Team, and several groups and teams in the local area.
Fall Refresher at Warner Brothers Ranch As always, a Refresher is an adventure in practice, imagination, training, and learning. The Fall 2001 Refresher was no exception. Because of the recent terrorist activities a bit more emphasis was placed on patriotism. Captain Lee, our Disaster Preparedness Unit CERT Coordinator presented a moving tribute to the fallen firefighters, police, and Emergency Medical Service responders. This in no way replaced or displaced the purpose of the training. If anything, the focus on the fallen and the response to terrorism enhanced the seriousness and importance of what we do and why we volunteer.

The surroundings gave a fresh, new approach to the training. Warner Brothers Ranch in Burbank has sections which look very much like our own neighborhoods, and it was quite easy to forget that one was on a movie set and not in some of the 'real' sections of the city.
2001 Emergency Preparedness Fair The 2001 Emergency Preparedness Fair and Celebration of Heroes was moved to the Dodger Stadium parking lot. The move permitted a return of helicopters and gave the Fair a larger venue in which to work and display.

BICEPP held a CERT Challenge on Saturday, and all weekend the helicopters came and went. Representatives from the National Guard, Coast Guard, and many City and County Fire and Police Departments were represented. The Army Corps of Engineers, FEMA, the U.S. Border Patrol, and many other agencies and departments were in attendance. Emergency preparedness supply companies participated, as did several insurance companies.
Spring 2001 Refresher at Hotchkin Memorial Training Center The Spring Refresher 2001 day was rather cold and rainy. To be honest, for a time it rained hard enough to obscure the hill on the other side of the road. That did give a meaning and sincerity to the statement, "The exercise will be held, come rain or come shine."

The addition of a "survivor" station was a blessing, once the fire was started. In the cold and wet, a warm fire takes on a very pleasant, soothing quality. One must remember, however, that fires must be properly attended and controlled, especially under the emergency conditions we might face in the event of a large-area long-lasting disaster, when the resources of public services are over-extended and cannot come to put out a fire carelessly permitted to grow without limits.