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Emergency Survival Program - Additional

The ESP Focus Sheets for the current year and other ESP publications can be found here.
The Emergency Survival Program (ESP), formerly known as the Earthquake Survival Program, is an awareness campaign designed to increase emergency preparedness at home, in the community, at work and at school. ESP was developed by the County of Los Angeles. The California Governor's Office of Emergency Services (OES) and representatives from Contra Costa, Imperial, Inyo, Kern, Los Angeles, Marin, Mono, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz and Ventura counties, various cities, Southern California Edison, the Southern California Earthquake Center, and the American Red Cross assist in the development of campaign materials and in coordination of the campaign.

Each year a list of monthly preparedness steps is recommended as an easy way for you to prepare for all hazards. You are encouraged to download the ESP materials. By taking simple actions each month you can help prepare your neighborhood, family and community to be self-sufficient. You are encouraged to download the ESP materials on this site. For additional information about the Emergency Survival Program, please e-mail ATafoya@ceooem.lacounty.gov.

If you're using ESP, please complete the ESP survey, so the authors can see how widely the materials have spread and what your needs are.

We have collected ESP Focus Sheets from prior years. They are organized by subject, and contain the most recent versions. The date of the Focus Sheet is included in the file name, so if changes or updates are made, you will be current. (Some of the Focus Sheets are also available in Family Steps to Survival).

Emergency Survival Program Topics

Tips to Survive

Terrorism Actions for Threat Levels
Also in Spanish
Tune In!
Also in Spanish
Be Aware! WMDs
Also in Spanish
Take Cover!
Also in Spanish
Have a Safe Trip!
Also in Spanish
Stay or Go!
Also in Spanish
Be Safe at Work
Also in Spanish
ABCs of School Preparedness
Also in Spanish
Back to School Stop, Think, Look, Act
Also in Spanish
Get Involved!
Also in Spanish
Gifts of Life Public Environments Mental Health

Disasters & Threats

Floods Landslides and Mudslides Tsunamis Earthquakes
Public Health Emergencies Heat Wave Hazardous Materials Bomb Threats
Biological Threats Radiological Threats Chemical Threats Volcanoes
Wildfires Windstorms and Tornadoes Carbon Monoxide and Radon Terrorism
Cold Weather Africanized Honey Bees

Home Readiness

Home Hazard Hunt Reducing Home Hazards Add Foundation Bolts Brace Water Heater
Emergency Lighting Hold Down the Fort Smoke Detector Turn Ons and Turn Offs
Secure It Now! Is Your Place Safe?

Organizing Your Neighborhood

Understand the Threat Conduct a Meeting Inventory Resources Community Resources
Form Response Teams Provide Training Update Emergency Supplies Reduce Hazards
Learn Light Search and Rescue Learn First Aid and CPR Assess the Damage Plan for Shelter
Plan Your Drill Check It Out! Communicate and Recover! Lend a Hand

Family Steps to Survival

Family Emergency Plan Supply Storage First Aid Training and Supplies Drop, Cover and Hold On
Car Kit and Office Kit Emergency Cash and Important Documents Camping Out Earthquake Style Freshen Up Your Water and Food Supplies
Focus on Children Learn Not to Burn Emergency Lighting Gifts of Life

Planning, Preparing & Practicing

Earthquake Attack Plan Family Emergency Plan Focus on Seniors Focus on Children
Who's Taking Care of the Kids? Personal Medical Plan Preparing Your Mind Time to Practice
Gifts of Life Make A Plan Test Your Plan

Hone Your Skills

Drop, Cover and Hold On Learn First Aid First Aid First Aid Training and Supplies
Learn Not to Burn Rescue Me

Food, Water & Supplies

Emergency Food Emergency Water Supply Freshen Up Water & Food Supplies Emergency Cash and Documents
Supply Storage Camping Out Earthquake Style On the Road Again Car and Office Kits
Make Disaster Kits

Tools & Their Uses

Adjustable Wrench Crowbar Fire Extinguisher Flashlight and Batteries
Hand Tools and Leather Gloves Portable Radio and Batteries Rope, Tape and Trash Bags Work Gloves and Sturdy Shoes